Nationwide Security Guard Company. UK Manned Guarding Specialists, London Manchester Glasgow Birmingham Nottingham

Emergency Cover

Even the largest and most established companies will often find it difficult to cope with their present work load. Absenteeism, holiday’s, sick leave and last minute requests from customers can put huge strain on your resources. There is a solution to this problem, one that can ease the strain.

Plus Security offer high calibre static and mobile guarding services throughout the UK our team of professional, reliable and fully licensed personnel are on hand 24-hours a day to provide emergency short notice cover, in many cases only 1 hours notice is required to fill your positions.

Our short notice services have been especially designed to provide emergency cover for other manned guarding providers finding it difficult to cope with the present work load.

What use Plus Security’s Emergency Cover:
  • Plus Security can have a fully licensed, professional and reliable security officer on any site anywhere in the UK at very short notice.
  • When you’re finding it difficult to cope with your present work load, Plus Security can step in to relieve some of the strain. Meaning no up set customers
  • Plus Security offer attractive industry discounts which means you will still make a profit from your contract.
  • All our short notice officers where plain unbranded uniforms as standard, or you can provide uniforms with your branding so your customer need never know that on this occasion you called upon Plus Security.
  • Jobs can come up at any minute of the night or day. Only Plus Security can have reliable and professional security officers on call 24/7 anywhere in the UK.
  • Our short notice cover means we can supply guards anywhere in the UK within just 2 hours, however 1 hour is often all that is required to have a fully trained, experienced and licensed security officer on site, any time and any where.
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