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construction security london

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Construction Security London 

Why is construction security so essential in London? Construction sites across London offer inviting opportunities to a wide range of the community. Vandals will potentially relish the perverse pleasure that they clearly receive from recklessly destroying property. Thieves see  opportunities to take off with high value construction equipment including plant and tools. And of course children will see construction sites as playgrounds designed entirely for their pleasure – and associated risks entailed.

Plus Security Ltd are London’s leading construction security company. We fully understand the security issues and potential outcomes from not having adequate construction site security in place.  The theft of valuable plant, tools and machinery is frustrating enough but the replacement time of these essential items can wreak havoc with production deadlines. One single penalty clause can easily outweigh the costs of construction site security so it is an issue that needs to be taken very seriously.

Plus Security - Construction Site Security Services London

When one considers the huge scale of construction projects across London at any given time then the opportunities that are presented to would be criminals is literally just on their doorstep, where ever they are in London. Recent research revealed that 21% of survey respondents claimed outright theft to be the most common crime on construction sites with 92% affected weekly. Despite increasing crime rates and many warnings, most construction site operators continue to leave themselves wide open to crime.

Last year theft in the UK construction industry cost over £800 million, and remember that this was just the reported crime. With so many crimes going unreported that could easily be just the tip of the iceberg. These costs also include the costs of hiring stolen machinery plus the increased insurance premiums that these events incur.

Construction Projects – Easy Targets?

A staggering piece of information is that just 9% of stolen plant machinery in the UK is ever recovered, compared to over 50% recovery rate for motor vehicles. In simplistic terms, construction sites are easy targets for criminals. Add into the mix that security fencing is generally woefully inadequate, as are access controls, there is a real recipe for an expensive disaster.

Choose Plus Security Ltd for London Construction Security Guards

Plus Security Ltd are experts in construction  security. We can assess the potential weak points in your site and make recommendations as well as advising on the immediate benefits of construction site security in London. High visibility 24/7 construction site security that makes a real difference.

Contact Plus Security Ltd  today – the leading supplier of high quality construction security guards in London  on 0800 0337 109 for a free consultation to discuss your unique business security and construction site requirements.

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