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construction site security london

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Construction Site Security in London 

Construction sites in London are notorious for theft and vandalism. The crime carried out on construction sites is staggering. There are a number of reasons for this and there are many measures that can be taken out that will help to significantly improve construction site security in London.

The reasons for such high crime rates n construction sites are reasonably straightforward to understand. Firstly, security on these sites, whilst a consideration historically, has not been a priority. Perimeter security fencing did a job to a degree but wire mesh fencing hastily erected merely allowed the would be thieves to view their potential prizes. Some of the security fencing that we have experienced after theft has taken place makes us wonder why it had been erected in the first place.

Plus Security - Construction Site Security Services London

Then there comes the issue of access control – if any existed at all that is. Gates across entrances can only work effectively if monitored. When a construction site has a free for all policy of entry and exit then things are clearly going to go missing.

London Construction Site Security Company

Generally there are two main types of theft from construction sites. Those from within, that is contractors or members of staff taking smaller items, then there are the more organised thefts that generally happen when the construction site is – in theory anyway, closed. These tend to be the more serious and higher value thefts of larger plant and machinery and generally occur due to very poor security standards.

Implementation of access control helps to prevent the minor thefts, as does the introduction of CCTV which is proven to act as a deterrent to contractors and employees who fear for being caught on camera thieving and the consequences that this would bring.

Stop and search can be a relatively heavy handed approach and does engender questions as to loyalty and honesty within the workforce. Manned construction site security is an excellent deterrent for existing staff and contractors but is also a highly effective, high profile deterrent to ‘would be’ thieves considering a construction site in London as a potentially easy target.

Plus Security Ltd are one of  London’s leading construction security companies. We would be delighted to discuss your London construction site security issues with you. The best time to start is prior to the commencement of the construction project. This way adequate deterrents and protection can be implemented right from the start. However if you are experiencing security issues then please get in touch. Our significant experience in construction site security means that we can identify weaknesses immediately and suggest proven methods that will rectify the situation.

london security company

Construction Projects – Are They Easy Targets?

 Remember  that just 9% of stolen plant machinery in the UK is ever recovered, compared to over 50% recovery rate for motor vehicles. Construction sites are easy targets for criminals.

Contact Plus Security Ltd  today – the leading supplier of high quality construction site security solutions in London  on 0800 0337 109 for a free consultation to discuss your unique construction site security requirements.

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