K9 Security in Coventry Gone are the days when a small business owner could go out and buy a big, powerful security dog and leave it at the office overnight, protecting his buildings and stock. We understand why this is the case, but everyone knows just how effective this was. It would be a ridiculously […]
Archive for the ‘DogHandlingForm’ Category
security dog handlers london

Security Dog Handlers London There are many reasons why dogs make such effective security threat deterrents. Firstly there is the visual threat itself. A ferocious looking dog straining at the leash can be quite a presence that may well need consideration form a would be vandal or thief about to enter your property. Security dogs […]
security dog handling london

Security Dog Handling London It is a proven fact that security dogs are a highly effective deterrent. When partnered with highly trained and efficient security dog handlers then there are not many more efficient security deterrents or form of apprehension available in London and across the UK. Security dogs sense both smell and danger well […]
dog handling london

Dog Handling London As a part of any security strategy, dog handling is one of the most effective deterrents in the appropriate circumstances. Dog handling of canine (or K9 as it is often referred to) patrols is a very high visibility security deterrent that has would be criminals and trouble makers thinking twice. When there […]
dog handling leeds

Dog Handling Leeds Dog handling Leeds, that’s the city, not dog leads! Dog handling has become a key element of security services and one that is hard to challenge by would-be intruders and criminals. Dog handlers carry a natural air of supremacy when challenged, and for obvious reasons. A well-trained security dog will strike fear […]